Written by 12:18 am Events, Events & Festivals, New York Neighborhood, Things To Do

Wicca Festival Attracts City Dwellers of all Kinds


A little known fun fact to my readers: I may or may not be a witch. I love cats, I don’t go outside all that much, and I enjoy mixing all sorts of herbs and spices. Joking aside, though, last week I discovered something very interesting on Astor Place right as I walked out of the subway. On 170 E 8th Street there lied a festival of little goodies and events made for little witches as well as witch lovers!

I found out that this event is called the Annual WitchsFest USA, or the Pagan Street Faire. Having their 5th year of celebration on Astor Place, this tiny street fair is meant for those who follow the Wicca Religion, which is a type of Pagan faith. People that just enjoy the concept of witchery are allowed to look in as well and discover all sorts of interesting things.

The booths at the festival catered to a wide range of ages, from having event booths that included face painting to belly dancing. Other booths contained vendors that sold wide ranges of items, such as jewelry, herbs, stationary supplies, and even beautiful dresses. I couldn’t help myself, so I ended up buying an adorable little notebook with a Wicca symbol on it that read “Spells.” I am always writing down little ideas, and it was just too pretty to resist.

Photo courtesy of me. Notebook artwork by Luna Lakota. Notebook distributed by Nemesis Now Ltd.

Photo courtesy of me. Notebook artwork by Luna Lakota. Notebook distributed by Nemesis Now Ltd.

Even though the festival was amazing, and it brought many different types of people, not everyone was a fan. On the sidelines of the fair stood a gaggle of Evangelical Christian protesters asking those who celebrate witchery to repent. Some of the fair-goers chose to argue with the protesters, but for the most part, everyone chose to ignore them in order to keep the event peaceful and positive.

Not only is this a fun event for the curious, but it also teaches you a lot about the culture of Wicca, and the beautiful things that they stand for, such as nature and all living beings. It’s also great for adding another pack of tarot cards to your collection!

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