Tag: donald trump

U.S. has Tensions with China over North Korea

Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Trump, characteristically, tweeted various warnings mere days following his summit meeting with...
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The Fashion World Takes a Stand Against Trump

Art Exhibitions, ARTS & CULTURE, Events, Fashion, Fine Living, Leisure, Lifestyle, The New Yorker

One of the latest industries to voice their opinion on Donald Trump is the fashion field. Various major members of the fashion world have...
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Push by the Democrat Party for Trump’s Reconsideration of Refugee Ban

Lifestyle, Uncategorized

The heart-breaking images of children and civilians suffering and dying as a result of the latest deadly chemical weapons attack, mainly...
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Increased U.S. Presence in Korean Peninsula

Lifestyle, Uncategorized

A U.S. naval strike group guided by the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier was heading in the...
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Palm Sunday Church Bombings in Egypt Accredited to ISIS

Events, Lifestyle, Uncategorized • One Comment

ISIS has identified themselves as the culprits of the bombings this past Palm Sunday that killed 43 people at two Coptic churches in Egypt....
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Turkish Health Ministry Affirms Use of Fatal Nerve Agent Sarin in Syria Attack

Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

The chemical utilized in a recent attack that resulted in the death of multiple Syrian civilians was most probably the lethal nerve agent...
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Trump’s EPA Unsupportive of Programs that Protect Children from Lead-Based Paint

Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, Real Estate, Uncategorized • One Comment

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials have suggested putting an end to two programs aimed...
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North Korean Display of Aggression Precedes U.S.-China Summit

Hustle & Bustle, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

North Korea fired a ballistic missile off of its east coast this past Wednesday. Coincidentally enough, that was the day before President...
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Trump Tower Evacuated After Reports of Suspicious Package

City Guide, New York Neighborhood

Visitors and employees evacuated Trump Tower on Tuesday after reports of a suspicious package in the lobby. Those who evacuated the...
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NYC Anti-Trump Protests Enter Fifth Consecutive Day

City Guide, The New Yorker, Uncategorized

Protesters against Trump turned out for a fifth consecutive day of demonstrating on Sunday. While...
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