Written by 8:45 am Spotlight, The New Yorker

How the Royals Reacted to Prince Philip’s Death


Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth quote about Prince Philip on the Royal family’s official Instagram account has gone viral. The page quoted the Queen’s speech. She delivered it on November 20th, 1997 on her 50th anniversary of marriage.

“He is someone who does not take easily to compliments but he has, quite simply, been my strength and stay all these years, and I, and his whole family, and this and many other countries, owe him a debt greater than he would ever claim, or we shall ever know.”

The Royal’s tribute to Prince Philip

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philips’s four children shared their tributes to their father.

Prince Charles, their eldest son shared heart-touching words. He spoke about his father and this is what he had to say:

“My dear Papa was a very special person who I think above all else would have been amazed by the reaction and touching things that have been said about him and from that point of view we are, my family, deeply grateful for all that. It will sustain us in this particularly sad time.”

Princess Anne is the Queen’s and Prince Philips only girl child. She follows second after Charles.

“You know it is going to happen but you are never really read. My father has been my teacher, my supporter and my critic, but mostly it is his example of a life well lived and service freely given that I most wanted to emulate.”

Prince Andrew, 61, comes third in the family. He is the Queen’s favorite.

“He was a remarkable man. We have lost almost the grandfather of the nation. And I feel very sorry and supportive of my mother who is feeling it, I think, probably more than everyone else.”

She said “I would like to emphasize how much the family appreciate the messages and memories of many people whose lives he also touched. We miss him but he leaves a legacy which can inspire us all.”

Moreover, Prince Andrew opened up to British broadcasters that The Queen feels a huge void since Prince Philip passed away. His comment went viral on Twitter. However, some slammed the Royal family for accepting him amid his alleged sexual offense.

Prince Edward, the last born said, “It’s been a bit of a shock. However much one tries to prepare oneself for something like this it is still a dreadful shock, and we are still trying to come to terms with that. And it is very, very sad.”

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