Written by 1:40 am Movies

Official Trailer for Star Wars Latest Movie ‘Rogue One’ Released


Fans of Star Wars rejoiced today after the official trailer for “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” was released. Darth Vader will be returning to the big screen once again and that is more than enough reason to watch the latest Stars Wars movie.

Directed by Gareth Edwards, “Rogue One” will take place at the height of Darth Vader’s reign and the construction of the Death Star. This movie takes place between “Revenge of the Sith” and “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope” and isn’t part of the main story lines. That may confuse moviegoers not familiar with Star Wars but since it’s not tied to the current Star Wars movies, it should do well as a standalone movie.

“Rogue One” will officially be released on December 19, 2016, a mere four months away. Vader’s return will have everyone excited to see one of the most infamous villains take over box offices once again.

Featured Image Via Wikimedia

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