Written by 8:58 pm Lifestyle, Uncategorized

NYC Too Expensive For Refugees


The ongoing migration crisis has affected the whole world. From Greece, to all of Europe, to the United States, it is an ongoing crisis that has most of us wondering if it will ever end withe civil war destroying the lives of thousands, forcing them to flee a place they once called home. President Obama has allowed 10,000 refugees to enter the United States, but a surprising statistic on New York City and the refugees has many shocked at how truly expensive the Big Apple is.

We all know how expensive the city can be. High prices are no stranger to New Yorkers, not even foreigners. So when refugees are looking for places to settle in, New York City is the last place they would come. A new statistic from the New York Post has shown that only 11 of the 10,000 Syrians fleeing, are settled in New York City. The ongoing crisis began in 2013, and has only been growing since, so when the epicenter of immigration has such a low number on the refugees, it came a bit of a shock.

What was once considered the ‘melting pot’ of international immigration to the world, just think Ellis Island, it is surprising to find the statistic to be so low. So why is this? Is it the way our city smells? That our city is not welcoming? That we are not friendly enough? None of the above. High prices, and high rents would have the refugees on the streets rather than a new home.

Although the prices and rents are far too high for the refugees, it still gives high interest to one day come and live here. The thought of coming to New York City and establishing a life here is not out of the question for some refugees once settled.

For now, refugees are resettling across the country in more affordable places, or with families of their own that they knew prior to the war. Many of the Syrians already come with experience and work background, helping them find good jobs here in the states and begin a new life.

Featured Image via Wikimedia

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