Written by 3:49 pm City, Real Estate

New York Real Estate To Follow NAR Guidelines As Market Drops Of Coronavirus

Real estate New York

New York real estate business is dropping from a regular scale due to the spread of the coronavirus which has now been declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization. This conditions is not only in the state of New York itself but this factor has become a global matter of concern.

The coronavirus cases are increasing day by day, and the massive losses are faced by the different sectors of business globally. The travel sector business will hamper the highest drawback in the economic part of the countries. China has been the epicenter of the spreading  disease, including Italy who is suffering major life losses and health issues.

For this reason, new guidelines and rules have been introduced to uplift the sudden fall of the real estate market in NY. Based on the intensity of the diseases spread in the locality few places have lost buyers’ interests. So, to develop confidence for the buyers, clients are afraid to visit new locations and apartments. 

The first solution to meet up the discrepancy was to prepare videos and camera walk-through of the apartments to provide an idea of the spaces. In the cases when the clients are not willing to visit the area or locations can be given an option to look into the videos. Similarly, some other methods of virtual ways are to be decided so that the real estate New York business can be stabilized to some extent.

The guidelines are released by the National Associations of Guidelines, for the workers to support the New York Real estate business. The workers are directed to stay at home for the staff members who are suffering from illness. 

Virtual meetings through online chats and videos are arranged to meet the requirement of both the buyer and the seller. The direct and face to face meetings are suspended due to the coronavirus outbreak. 


In addition, the workers and employees should use sanitizer, alcohol-based sanitizer to wash hands and most important of all to use disposal bathroom towels.


After the open house done, it is reminded to check the doorknobs and locks, it should be disinfected to make a safe place for the clients.


Above all, the real estate must follow the updates as directed by the CDC. Also, follow the rules and regulations of the local health authorities as directed in meetings and events. 


Employees to be allowed to work from home if any signs of illness are seen in any employees.


The New York Real estate business guidelines have been provided by the NAR, to reduce the sudden and strong impact on the downfall of the market. Apart from the above rules and guidelines for the real estate the other common preventive measures are to reduce the spreading of the corona-virus are as follows. 

Common Preventive measures to Perpetuate New York Real Estate  Business

Real Estate New York

Photo courtesy : Flickr

  • If you are facing any symptoms of cough, respiratory problems and illness, stay at home. This will prevent you from coming into direct contact with the outsiders. Viral infections spread through contacts, avoiding direct contact will reduce the spreading of the virus. 
  • Do not forget to wash your hands, arms, nose, and mouth very often. This will enable to keep the viral germs to stay away. After returning home or workplace, from open air space and public, do not touch anything, including body parts before washing your hands.
  • Keep a safe distance of minimum one meter from a sick person, as the drops emerging from the cough or sneeze, maybe virally contaminated. It may increase the chances of viral diseases. 
  • Cover the mouth with tissue paper or cloth while coughing or sneezing.

The New York Real estate business has been also provided the guideline to avoid the clients who do carry any symptoms or signs of flu or cold. Yun of NAR has mentioned the downfall of the graph that has reduced to 10% due to the spread of the corona-virus. 


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