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Little Italy Celebrates


Little Italy is known for its festive decorations, it’s pride in Italy, and it’s food. A tiny area of New York City dominates as one of the go-to places to eat. Surrounded by China Town, it is one of the most festive areas to be in during holidays of Italy. Now another holiday has the neighborhood celebrating once again as the San Gennaro festival commenced this week and will go on for ten days.

What was once just a block party, slowly spread itself to now 11 blocks, as the San Gennaro festival is a celebration to honor the saint and protector of Naples, Italy, San Gennaro. Filled with food, wine, and dancing it is a celebration that is very important to the community.

As Little Italy is known famously for their food, the festival focuses on so much more than that, it focuses more on the religion aspect of it. Italian’s are known for being very religious and respectful to it, after all, they are the home to the Vatican. The festival embellishes that trait in them as it is celebrated with a lot of respect and culture.

With religion coming as a crucial reason for the celebration, food still does play a major part in the festival. Food is a huge part of the Italian culture, so of course food will be in every direction one looks. This year there will even be a meatball eating contest.

With Little Italy, being well little, the community is pretty small, but has a big heart. Many past residents of the Mulberry Street neighborhood return for the festivities and make the celebration out to be a reunion as well. With the festival rumored to be dying down, the board director, John Fratta, intends to promote it more than ever before and make it kid friendly, in order to give all the kids that come a great time, and with hopes to have them return when they’re older.

What once was just a small party has grown into so much more now in the Little Italy community. It’s not just important to Italians, Little Italy residents, or even past residents, but it is important to all of New York City as well, as it prides itself on having such an energetic and vibrant Little Italy.

Featured Image Via Wikimedia

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