Written by 7:59 am ARTS & CULTURE, Books, Theater and Performances

Harry Potter May Fly Into NYC


The boy who lived has given countless memories and enjoyment to millions of fans around the world. With seven books, eight movies, and thousands of products it became one of the highest-grossing franchises ever made. The imagination of one woman set off a trend of fans into the imaginary world of Harry Potter. Now a new book has come out, leaving millions of fans shocked that another book was even made. The novel now follows Harry Potter’s son as he begins his journey into the famous Hogwarts. Right after the novel premiered this past Sunday, talks are already in the works to bring the book right here to our very own city on Broadway.

Talks are about to be discussed on the possibility of having the new novel be turned into a play rather than a film. Although nothing is ‘set in stone’, conversations will commence in London this week to bring the film to New York on Broadway. Talks are expected to come to the Big Apple in the Fall.

Although a play has already been produced and delivered in London, England, it has high hopes to bring the beloved British classic to Broadway. The play’s producers, Colin Callender and Sonia Friedman, saw the success the play had in London and hope the same success will portray abroad.

The play received great reviews calling it ’emotional’, ‘magical’, and ‘proper’. The play was released last year and is not a predecessor to the original seven books. The book broke records this weekend, as fans gathered outside of Barnes & Nobles all over to get their hands on yet another Harry Potter book.

Callender and Friedman have their sights set on NYC pretty high although nothing is set. As Broadway producers as well, it is their goal to bring a beloved classic to a city that has so much respect for shows. The ultimate goal after New York would be to bring the play to other cities as well, but for now, all fingers are crossed for a Harry Potter production in New York.

Featured Image Via Wikimedia

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