
US and Allies Reevaluate After Latest North Korean Missile Test

Lifestyle, Uncategorized

According to a statement released by Trump’s national security advisor on Sunday, the United...
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Erdogan’s Victory: Turkey Referendum

Lifestyle, Uncategorized

In a referendum this past Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his prime minister celebrated a great victory. The referendum...
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US Interception of Syrian Chemical Weapons Communications

Lifestyle, Uncategorized

The United States intelligence community intercepted communications between Syrian military officials this past week. CNN additionally...
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U.S. has Tensions with China over North Korea

Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Trump, characteristically, tweeted various warnings mere days following his summit meeting with...
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Push by the Democrat Party for Trump’s Reconsideration of Refugee Ban

Lifestyle, Uncategorized

The heart-breaking images of children and civilians suffering and dying as a result of the latest deadly chemical weapons attack, mainly...
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Increased U.S. Presence in Korean Peninsula

Lifestyle, Uncategorized

A U.S. naval strike group guided by the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier was heading in the direction of the Korean Peninsula this Sunday...
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Palm Sunday Church Bombings in Egypt Accredited to ISIS

Events, Lifestyle, Uncategorized • One Comment

ISIS has identified themselves as the culprits of the bombings this past Palm Sunday that killed 43...
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Turkish Health Ministry Affirms Use of Fatal Nerve Agent Sarin in Syria Attack

Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

The chemical utilized in a recent attack that resulted in the death of multiple Syrian civilians was most probably the lethal nerve agent...
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Trump’s EPA Unsupportive of Programs that Protect Children from Lead-Based Paint

Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, Real Estate, Uncategorized • One Comment

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials have suggested putting an end to two programs aimed at reducing children’s exposure to...
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Alarming Study Shows 20% of Patients with Serious Conditions Initially Misdiagnosed

Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

New research published this past Tuesday shows that over twenty percent of patients who went after...
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