United Update: CEO to Face Court about Passenger Mistreatment
Lawmakers castigated executives from United Airlines and other carriers this Tuesday as part of the...
Twitter Partners with Bloomberg to Enter the 24/7 Streaming News Game
If you have not yet watched any streaming video on Twitter, then it is very likely that you are in a minority of the population that can...
China Ponders Stricter Sanctions on North Korea
One of the main points that emerged from Trump’s recent meeting with US lawmakers regarding North Korea is the revitalized accentuation...
Coca-Cola to Cut 1% of its Workforce
Coca-Cola’s sales went down in the primary quarter as it reorganized its business. The...
The Jimmy Choo Debate: Is Coffee Better Than Fashion?
When put in competition, the coffee business seems to be a more favorable one than the luxury fashion business—or at least based on the...
Pence Kick Starts Changes in US-Asia Trade
The US is seeking “stronger and more balanced bilateral trade relationships” such nations such as Japan and South Korea, reveled Pence...
Tipping On Uber
For years when taking a cab, it has always been an option after paying to include a tip on your...
Qatar Airways CEO Negates the Benefits of Laptop Ban on Flying
In a surprising and unexpected decision, last month Trump’s administration banned passengers from bringing anything bigger than a...
Following U.S. Allegations of Gender Pay Gap, Google Defends Employment Practices
United States government investigators have been paying particular attention to one highly popular company: Google. After analyzing...
Snapchat To Grow In New York City
Millions of users check their Snapchat accounts daily. If not daily, several times a day. Snapchat...