
A Cleaner Subway

City Guide, Transportation

No commute would be complete without the humid, dirty, and fuel smelling subways of New York City....
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Citi Bike to Expand to new Heights

Autos, City Guide, Cycles, Transportation

New Yorkers are used to the everyday commute, subway, bus, taxi, you name it, but ever since Citi Bike launched back in 2013, it has been a...
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A Potentially Easier Commute

City Guide, Transportation

By now New Yorker’s are irritated with hearing that transportation prices are going up, or repairs are causing making the commute...
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MTA Fare To Rise Again

City Guide, Transportation, Travel

By now daily commuters of New York City are used to hearing the grueling news that MTA will be...
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MTA To Big Apple

City Guide, Transportation

A few months ago, a fire emerged from the bottom of elevated tracks in New York’s Harlem neighborhood. Luckily no injuries were...
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Subways Made Easier

New York Neighborhood, Transportation

As New Yorkers, we are constantly on the lookout for the next train to come on that platform as we wait to get around the city. It is no...
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Move Over Uber and Lyft

New York Neighborhood, Transportation

With thousands of New Yorkers commuting all over the city, it is no question that ride-sharing...
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WIFI at New York City Airports? Think Again

Transportation, Travel

When one travels to two of the busiest airports in the world, they are expecting good service, a fast paced security team, and good...
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