Written by 6:48 am Art Exhibitions, ARTS & CULTURE, Events & Festivals

Billionaire to Host New York Auction to Benefit Clinton Campaign


As we get closer and closer to November, the citizens of the United States are seemingly being drawn into an election fervor greater than any before. From the humble dog walker to billionaire CEOs, many are coming together to unite under one goal: stop the Trump.

Moishe Mana is a billionaire who shares this goal. He is a moving and storage mogul, but more importantly, he is an art collector with a plan to help the Hillary Clinton Campaign. On October 22nd, Mana is hosting a private art auction at the New York residence of economist Nouriel Roubini. This event is co-hosted by Laetitia Garriott, a National Finance Committee member, and the auction is expected to gather a sum numbering in the six figures, with the money going to the Clinton Campaign.

Mana is choosing 18 pieces from his personal art collection to be put on auction. The artworks that are being put up range in price estimates from $1,200 up to $15,000 and artist names features in the collection include Jessica Stockholder, Cey Adams and Robert Indiana.

Moishe Mana is a noted opponent of Trump and his methods, previously garnering headlines for proclaiming he will donate $2 million dollars to charity if Trump releases his much sought after but highly elusive tax documents.

Look for more news from this auction as we get closer to its date of October 22nd. It is assured that Moishe Mana will have more choice words to throw in Donald Trump’s direction.

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