Written by 10:46 pm City Guide, The New Yorker, Uncategorized

NYC Anti-Trump Protests Enter Fifth Consecutive Day


Protesters against Trump turned out for a fifth consecutive day of demonstrating on Sunday. While the majority of coverage focused on Manhattan, several cities across the country are also protesting the president-elect and his polices. Cities with large Anti-Trump protests in recent days include Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, Philadelphia, Denver and more let the world know how they felt about Trump.

Hundreds of protesters demonstrated outside of CNN Headquarters in Los Angeles on Sunday. There were also demonstrators who marched from Golden Gate Park to Ocean Beach, many of them families with children. Nearly 1,000 people marched through Sacramento while others formed a human chain and chanted in Oakland. Similarly, hundreds of protesters carrying signs marched around Philadelphia City Hall and down toward Market Street.

Most protests have remained relatively peaceful, but there have been violent incidents leading to arrests. In Oregon, several arrests were made in connection to a shooting that left one protester injured during an anti-Trump demonstration. Two 18-year-olds were arrested and charged with attempted murder and unlawful use of a weapon, according to a Portland police spokesman. The victim suffered non-life threatening injuries, police said.

In his first interview since the election, Trump confirmed on “60 Minutes” he is serious about the wall and deporting millions of undocumented immigrants. In New York on Sunday, many protesters against Trump’s immigration policies joined the ongoing demonstration in Midtown. Signs and chants were in both English and Spanish. Signs read “Hate won’t make us great” and chants could be heard saying, “We are here to stay.” Many protesters expressed their concern over Trump’s immigration policies. Protester Rachel Chost told CBS New York that she believes protests will continue until Inauguration Day but is aware that the rallies will not impact policy:

“Well, I don’t think it’s going to change Trump’s mind or any of his future cabinet, but certainly I hope it will give courage to people who feel targeted and who feel isolated and feel scared.”


Featured Image via Flickr/taedc

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