Finding quality outdoor gear in NYC has been difficult since most of the gear is not available in retail shops. For most people, buying outdoor gear means ordering online or waiting until they are ready to head outdoors for a big trip. Luckily for New Yorkers, some great stores have opened up with quality products at reasonable prices in the last few years.
Here are 10 of the Best Stores for Outdoor Gear in NYC
1. Paragon Sports

Founded in 1908, this is popular as one of the largest specialty stores in the world. They carry everything related to sports, including skis, camping gear, biking equipment, tennis rackets, and more. There are multiple floors of the best brands for all sports ranging from running and yoga to camping and skiing.
The Annual Warehouse Sale is a good time to explore some great deals on products. The sale is usually held at the beginning of July and offers up to 70% off on some products. In addition, it’s a good time to pick up any outdoor gear you may need for the rest of the year.
2. Leisure Pro

Experts in delivering water sports equipment, this sports shop is a great place to get your kayaks, skis, surfboards, and more. You can find everything you need for all water sports while still in the city at Leisure Pro.
Sports Authority offers a wide range of gear for every sport under one large retail store with locations across the country. In addition, they offer outdoor equipment like camping tents and hiking shoes.
3. REI Soho

This is a popular retail seller for outdoor gear. The shop offers a wide variety of equipment ranging from climbing shoes to skis. Many other services are also offered, like bike repair, kayak rentals, and more. REI also hosts free presentations every month on various outdoor activities you can participate in at their location or near home.
4. JackRabbit

With plenty of outdoor gear options such as running needs, hydrations packs, and trail running, you will feel as if you are running a marathon as soon as you enter this store. There are six locations where you can find all of the gear for your running needs, from hydration packs to nutritional merchandise. They offer running gear for marathons, as well as trail running.
Moreover, the shop offers specialized shoe fittings to keep their customers happy.
5. Columbia Sportswear

Founded in 1938, Columbia offers quality outdoor equipment for skiing and other winter sports needs. You can shop online or opt to visit one of their many retail stores across the US to find high-performance jackets, hiking boots, snowboarding accessories, and more.
6. Panda Sport

Located in Brooklyn, this shop offers a variety of winter sports equipment sold by knowledgeable staff. The store carries all your skiing and snowboarding gear from boots to helmets, from jackets to pants—you name it, they have it. In addition, you can find outerwear for men and women along with gloves and goggles. They also offer up the snowboard basics like snowboards and bindings.
In addition, they offer a rental program which is perfect for beginners before you decide to make a major investment in the future. The store will also help you with any custom requests for gear too.
7. Sun & Ski Sports
Since 1980, Sun & Ski has made every effort to help make customers’ outdoor dreams come true by providing high-quality merchandise, service that’s second to none, and unbeatable prices. . Originally a shop that sold ski equipment and snowboards during the winter months, Sun & Ski now has stores spread out across the country thanks to their efforts in satisfying customers’ needs. The shops focus on selling the best gear for any given time of year – making sure cyclists have what they need during the summer and skiers have quality products to use when winter comes around. While all Sun & Ski stores share similar values – they’re dedicated to providing their customers with refreshingly great service and motivating reasons as to why they should do business with them time after time again.
8. 5.11 Tactical
5.11 Tactical is a producer of retail clothing, backpacks, footwear, and accessories. 5.11 makes gear for everyone! Police officers, firefighters, paramedics, and military personnel can shop our collection of outerwear, tactical pants and shirts, socks, and underwear just to name a few. Good style and sturdy material come standard no matter what the situation or weather conditions may be. This is why you should shop with us—because we make our products with those standards in mind!
9. Orvis
This store is perfect for anyone who wants to experience the great outdoors and is a big fan of just getting away from it all. The products on offer are a real treat and you’ll never feel bored in there because there’s so much to look at that if you found one thing you like, there will be plenty more to get excited about! What I like most about the products from this particular store is the high-quality nature of them – everything feels durable and rugged enough to last for years but stylish enough that even if you’ve only used it for a short time, you can still wear your clothing out in the company of people who don’t think much of camping or fishing. It’s pretty exciting stuff, altogether!
10. Fjällräven Epic NYC
As an original outdoor brand, Fjällräven is dedicated to creating durable ethical gear. It strives to make sustainable clothing that is built to last and can be passed down from one generation to the next. Through the discovery of new solutions and materials while still holding true to the brand’s core values, it hopes that outerwear lovers will continue its legacy for many years to come.
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