Written by 6:36 pm City Guide, Fine Living, Lifestyle, New York Neighborhood, Spotlight, The New Yorker

NYC Getting More Eco Friendly


Generally New York City and global warming are no good match. Constant auto use, waste in subways, and many toxic chemicals going into the air, New York City has always had to endure much of ‘blame’ due to global warming. With the rise of solar panels coming into place, it was difficult to imagine a city with them. Now New York City has tripled the amount of solar panels used in the last three years, causing somewhat of a ‘solar boom’ and doing it’s part to help climate change.

The sun is the new electricity for some New Yorker’s as more than 100 MW (mega watt) are generating homes and offices. Clean, and renewable power is giving a new kind of electricity to more than 15,000 homes. A few years ago, colleges, government agencies, and parties urged residents and businesses in New York City to switch to renewable power in means to help out the environment as well as create cleaner and more Eco-friendly ways to electricity, as well as lower the cost of bills. Solar panels were something rare in the past few years.

Con Edison, an energy company headquartered in New York City, is stating that 9,700 projects have been completed in the city, thanks to it’s customers, and more are on the way. It was reported that back in 2011, only 186 solar panels were scattered throughout the five boroughs, now there’s thousands more. Con Edison currently has 200 solar panels on their building in Manhattan.

A big thanks to the boom of solar energy is thanks to the City University of New York (CUNY), who pushed for solar energy in other to make the city a much more environmentally friendly place. Their goal, along with Con Edison, was to make it easily accessible to residents, in order for a transition from electricity to solar be more smooth.

Featured Image via Wikimedia

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