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Cuba Is Coming To NYC


Cuba, a country which holds so much history for the United States. With diplomatic issues and all disputes put to the side, as relations have been fixed, it is no surprise that American’s are having quite an interest in the country. With many Americans being more intrigued in understanding what Cuba has to offer, no one can be shocked when the Natural Museum of History holds an exhibition dedicated to Cuba, it will be an instant hit.

On Saturday, another historic agreement was made, as the Cuban National Museum of History signed a record of understanding in Havana. This agreement will allow research collaboration with the U.S., and will showcase the countries culture and history at an exhibition that will open at the American Museum of Natural History, here in New York City. The two museums will also focus on more exhibitions as well as education.

The exhibition is scheduled to open in November. There will be live animals and specimen, as well as highlighting the biodiversity in Cuba, and will include footage from a trip that was made to Eastern Cuba, in collecting new species to science. A part of the exhibition will be dedicated to the rich and unique culture of Cuba, including art, religion and even tobacco cultivation.  One is also to get a taste of what it is like to be in Cuba, with a boulevard that will encompass the streets of Cuba, one will get a taste of the food, the sound of the music, and the energy of the Cuban people.

Cuba is no stranger to the museum of Natural History as it has collaborated with Cuba and researchers in roughly 30 expeditions and projects in Cuba in the past 120 years.

The exhibition is set to open in November of this year, and run through August 2017.

Featured Image via Google Images

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