Written by 8:49 pm ARTS & CULTURE, Music and Concerts, Tech

Apple Who?


Apple is no stranger to the big apple. As many flagships stores are open throughout the city, it’s hard to miss one of them. The plexiglass buildings, the modern staircases, and the endless technology make it stand out from a distance. Now Apple may have some competition as a new company is in town.

Sonos, a company that makes wireless audio products, began in 2002 and was founded by John McFarlane. Throughout the years the company has grown and has even targeted a one billion dollar sale goal in 2015.

Now, Sonos is opening it’s first flagship store, here in our very own Soho. The company is making the flagship store look even better than what we are used to seeing in Apple store. With its incredible unique speaker display, the company’s goal is to make one feel at home and enjoy the sound of the speakers, rather than be bombarded with several people all around trying to see you a product or help you out with questions.

The store will feature a ‘wall of sound’, which will feature 297 speakers, shelves featuring their most excellent speakers for sale, and listening pods.

Each room in the store is designated to have one feel at home, and with an associate in each room to answer any questions a customer may have. There will be a customer service room, in which customer reps will be using handheld devices to help out the customers rather than be on a line waiting for assistance.

Products will rarely be visible as the store is dedicated to give an ‘at home’ feel and products will be given if asked for assistance on a certain one. The company has high hopes that its unique displays and large windows will reel people in the store and give them a unique experience.

The company has no plans to open up more flagship stores at the moments, but if all goes well it hopes to look at other potential locations. The store is located at 101 Greene Street in Soho.

Featured Image via Wikipedia

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